Article sections

    To create a new folder

    1.  Click Media from the sidebar menu
    2.  Click Create Folder on the left side of the page
    3.  Name folder
    4.  Click Create

    To make a subfolder

    When creating a new folder, it will automatically become a sub-folder of the folder that you have already selected and are viewing. If you should need to move a folder and create a subfolder, follow these easy steps:

    1.  Click and hold the folder
    2.  Drop it in the folder that will become the parent folder

    To delete a folder/subfolder

    1.  Right-click the folder that will be deleted
    2.  Click Delete

    To rename a folder/subfolder

    1.  Right-click the folder that will be renamed
    2.  Click Edit Folder
    3.  Type new name
    4.  Click Save
    in Getting Started
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